Part 10: Pestilence!
With considerably less resistance than anticipated, we managed to escort Ishani the priest to Castle Volshyenek. When we got there, however, we discovered a large meeting taking place. All of the Korvosan City Guard and the Sable Company were gathered in the courtyard. On a stage stood Field Marshall Kroft, a few of the other ranking officers of the Guard, and some very peculiar figures. A group of figures were people in oily black coats and wide brimmed hats. They also each wore a goggled mask that came to a point like a beak. They stood clutching canes or bags. Among these figures was a middle-aged man, quite good looking, clutching a doctor's bag. The last figure was very imposing. It was a woman, clad head to toe in shining armour, her helmet sporting a long red plume.
The Field Marshall suddenly quietened the crowd and made a speech. She introduced the middle-aged man as Doctor Davaulus, the newly appointed Royal Physician, and the masked figures as the Queen's Physicians. She said that the Queen had appointed these people to help stem the plague that was sweeping the city, and that the Guard was to escort the Physicians on their duties. She also introduced the armour-clad woman, saying she was a member of a newly formed group of soldiers known as the Grey Maidens. These warrior women took orders directly from the Queen, so the Guardsmen and the Sable Company Marines had to follow any instructions that the Maidens gave them.
With hushed murmers of dissatisfaction, the Guard dispersed to their duties, and Field Marshall Kroft, Doctor Davaulus, and the Physicians adjourned for a meeting. Before she left, the Field Marshall told us that she would call on us in a few days, should she have any missions for us.
Over the next few days, we watched the numbers of Blood Veil victims increase dramatically. Even some of our number - Sabelle, Adam, and Reda - succumbed to the disease. Fortunately, they managed to receive a cure at the temple of Abadar. Bodies were starting to pile up in the streets, and mass graves were being dug in the city's graveyard district. The Queen's Physicians and the Grey Maidens patrolled the streets, entering houses and checking for plague victims. Here, in the spirit world, I could sense the arrival of the newly dead. So many souls. Hundreds of people were losing their battle with this terrible plague. I felt such a sadness all around me.
We then received a call from the Field Marshall. She told us that some of the lazier plague carters (the men who wandered the streets collecting the bodies of the dead and taking them to the graveyard) were dumping the bodies instead of transporting them all the way across the city. We were to investigate a likely spot, known as Racker's Alley.
In the alley we discovered a large pile of bodies, dumped and left to rot. We also found a gang of vampire spawn, feeding from the decaying bodies. However, this gang stood no chance against the holy might of our paladin's devotion, and they were quickly sent to oblivion. The only unusual thing we could find was a bag of coins the spawn were carrying. The coins were minted in Ustalav, a country far to the east, known for its vampires. Why were there Ustalav vampires here in the city?
A few days later, we received another mission, this one from Ishani the priest. A perfumery in The Heights was selling a cure for the Blood Veil. We were to investigate and see if it was true. We discovered an incredibly long queue of people waiting to buy the cure. As Reg, Reda and Veyron tried talikng to the proprietor of the shop, Sabelle and Adam, our two more stealthy members of the group, broke into the owner's private quarters and discovered the secret of the cure. It was a sham. The cure was nothing more than river water with a few herbs added to make it taste nice. With her con exposed, the owner of the perfumery fled the city, never to be heard from again.
We were then approached by a young Varisian woman named Deyanira, deeply distraught. She told us that her brother, Ruan, had gone missing. Ruan was a talented young musician who had just been been given a contract to play at a masked ball that the Carowyn family were holding at their manor. He had not returned home from the party, and when Deyanira had gone up to the manor to inquire what had happened to him, she discovered the manor locked and seemingly deserted, with the smell of death coming from within.
So, we headed for the South District and to Carowyn Manor, to investigate the place. What we found was very disturbing...
Quickly, Adam and Reg formed a defensive line between the creatures and the rest of us, and began slicing and punching at them. The rest began to hurl spells and fire arrows, in an attempt to slay these monstrosities.
Suddenly, one rose up from the back, taller than the others, and began a rhythmic swaying action. It was so hypnotic. Even watching as a spirit, I could feel it's effect. Adam and Reda stopped attacking, and began swaying in time with the creature. They were under it's power!
Valiantly, Reg battled on, as Adam was now blocking half of the corridor, making it difficult for the rest of us to reach the snakes. He then cried out, and we could see that he had been bitten by one of them. As he looked down at his arm, he suddenly just stopped. He had become frozen in time, paralysed by the foul creature's bite.
We were now stuck. Both Adam and Reg were now blocking the corridor completely. It was then that Veyron had an idea. Taking his dinosaur out of his robes, he threw her over the heads of our fellows and the snakes, and she landed down behind them. She quickly began to tear into the one at the back.
With this distraction, the snake stopped swaying, and turned to attack the dinosaur. This instantly freed Adam and Reda from their hypnotic state. Frantically, we bombarded the creatures we everything we had, eventually destroying them. The paralysing effect also wore off the paladin, and he helped slay the last snake.
We continued up the corridor and entered a room that seemed to be a laboratory. There was alchemical equipment scattered across the tables. One of the table semed to have had an accident, and it was surrounded by fragments of broken glass. Cleaning up the glass was another Derro. He looked surprised to see us as Adam entered the room first. But before anyone could stop him, Adam drew up his crossbow and shot the Derro through the head, killing it instantly. We were all a little shocked by his action, but there was nothing we could do about it now.
On one side of the room was a door that had been boarded up. Curious, we took down the boarding and opened the door. We soon realised why it had been boarded in the first place. Standing in the room was a large figure, a man made from parts of dead bodies stitched together to form a human shape. The abomination moaned as it lunged at us, it's teeth and claws bared.
Desperately, swords were unsheathed, and spells were readied. It didn't take long, though, before the creature lay on the floor of the room, sliced into several pieces by our weapons.
And in the room we made another discovery. This time, we found a severed arm, also covered with tattoos. Another part of Gaekhen's body.
Weary, we stopped to rest for a short while here, to get our breaths back, and to heal our wounds. What lay deeper in the Dead Warrens to surprise us? Where was the necromancer that worked here? How many more pieces of Gaekhen's body would we have to find? All was soon revealed to us...
Trinia had gotten a good head start on us and was already several buildings away. The first out through the window was Sabelle, but she almost immediately lost her footing and plummeted into the street below. Adam and Reda began to give chase too, with Reda trying to slow Trinia down by firing her arrows at her. At one point, Adam was almost within reach of Trinia, but a bird flew up from a hidden perch, startling him, and he slipped and also fell into the mob-filled street.
Reda, her keen eyes never losing sight of Trinia, could see that the girl was starting to tire. Reda had hit her a few times, and Trinia was losing blood from the arrow wounds. Trinia slowed to squeeze through a gap in a wall, and Reda seized the opportunity. With a swift movement, she loosed one of her arrows. Trinia was hit in the shoulder. The girl squealed in pain, and then dropped to her knees, passing out from the pain. We had caught her. When she slipped back into consciousness, she began crying. She had not killed the king, she said. She had been framed. From the tears in her eyes and the plea in her voice, we could tell she was telling the truth. She was being used as a scapegoat.
We were now in a quandary. What were we to do with her? We didn't want to turn her over to the Korvosan City Guard. Although the Guard promised not to hurt her, there was no guarantee she would survive the interrogation process. We certainly couldn't just let her go, as she would be found by the mob and torn to pieces. We needed somewhere to hide her. But where?
It was Sabelle who came up with the answer. She was now quite good friends with the King of Spiders, who owned Eel's End. Perhaps he would hide her on his ship until the mobs died down.
And so, while heavily disguised, we transported Trinia to Eel's End. The King of Spiders promised to keep her there. She would pose as a serving girl, and no-one would know it was her.
We returned to the Field Marshall and told her that Trinia had escaped. I don't think Cressida believed us, but she accepted our story.
We did not have time to dwell on this, however, as the Field Marshall had already gotten us another mission. But this I shall tell you about at another time. Return to me in a few days, and I shall continue this tale of bravery and heroism.